Rzeczywistość wirtualna

Z Literatura przedmiotu
Skocz do: nawigacja, szukaj
  • '(...) alchemy and theatre are virtual arts, so to speak, and do not contain their object within them any more than they contain their reality'[1]
  • 'All true alchemists know alchemical symbols are chimeras just as theatre is a chimera. And this eternal reference to the fundamental principles and objects in theatre, found in almost all alchemist texts ought to be understood as a feeling (...) of the similarity there is between the level on which characters, objects, portrayals and in a general way everything which makes up theatre's virtual reality develops, and the purely assumed, dreamlike level on which alchemist sings are evolved.'[2]


  1. Antonin Artaud, Alchemist Theatre, w: jego, Collected Works (Volume 4). 4-Riverrun Pr (1999).
  2. Antonin Artaud, Teatr alchemii, w: Teatr i jego sobowtór (pierwsze użycie terminu)
  3. Howard Rheingold, Virtual Reality, 1991


  1. Antonin Artaud, Alchemist Theatre, s. 34
  2. s. 35