Sven Lindqvist

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Exterminate All the Brutes

  • Teza książki: 'Europe's destruction of the "inferior races" of four continents prepared the ground for Hitler's destruction of six million Jews in Europe.'
  • Hannah Arendt pokazuje że imperializm wymaga rasizmu: 'she showed how imperialism necessitated racism as the only possible excuse for its deeds.'
  • Katz, początek tezy o unikalności holokaustu: 'The Holocaust in Historical Context (1994), Steven T. Katz has begun a demonstration of the "phenomenolog­ical uniqueness" of the Holocaust.'

Europejskie poglądy na Afrykę

  • Postrzeganie Afrykańczyków: 'Africans have been called beasts ever since the very first contacts, when Europeans described them as "rude and beasdie' 'like to brute beasts' and 'more brutish than the beasts they hunt'
  • Spencer jako ideolog kolonizacji: 'Herbert Spencer. He writes in Social Statics (1850) that imperialism has served civ­ilization by clearing the inferior races of f the earth. "The forces which are working out the great scheme of perfect happiness, tak­ing no account of incidental suffering, exterminate such sections of mankind as stand in their way .. .. Be he human or be he brute­ the hindrance must be got rid of'
  • Edward hartmann: afrykańczyków należy wymordować w całości z litości dla nich: 'Eduard von Hartmann was able to write the follow­ing in the second volume of his Philosophy of the Unconscious, which Conrad read in an English translation: 'As little as a favor is done the dog whose tail is to be cut off, when one cuts it off gradually inch by inch, so little is their humanity in artificially prolonging the death struggles of savages who are on the verge of extinction .... The true philanthropist, if he has comprehended the natural law of anthropological evolution, cannot avoid desiring an acceleration of the last convulsion, and labor for that end?' At the time, it was almost a platitude Hartmann had put into words. Neither he nor Spencer were personally inhuman. But their Europe was.'

Genealogia Holocaustu

  • Moore: Stalin zrobił prawdziwe ludobójstwo, Hitler tylko skopiował: 'The German historian Ernst Nolte has called "the so-called extermination of the Jews by the Third Reich" "a reaction or a distorted copy and not an original action?' The original was, accord­ing to Nolte, the extermination of the Kulaks in the Soviet Union and Stalin's purges in the 1930s. They were what Hitler copied.'
  • Poglądy Hitlera były podzielane przez wszystkich w jego czasach: 'But in this debate no one mentions the German extermination of the Herero people in southwest Africa during Hitler's child­ hood. No one mentions the corresponding genocide by the French, the British, or the Americans. No one points out that during Hitler's childhood, a major element in the European view of mankind was the conviction that "inferior races" were by nature condemned to extinction: the true compassion of the superior races consisted in helping them on the way.'[1]
  • W poszukiwaniu przestrzeni życiowej Hitler kopiował tylko Brytyjczyków: 'What Hitler wished to create when he sought Lebensraum in the east was a continental equivalent of the British Empire.'

Ludobójstwo w Kongo

  • Wynalazek dętki pneumatycznej był przyczyną ludobójstwa w Kongo: 'In 1887, the Scottish surgeon J. B. Dunlop hit upon the idea of equipping his small son's bicycle with an inflatable rubber tube. The bicycle tire was patented in 1888. During the years to follow, the demand for rubber multiplied. That was the explanation for the increasing brutalization of the regime in the Congo which is reflected in the diaries of Sjoblom and Glave.'
  • Belgowie wymuszali przemocą i śmiercią dostarczanie kości słoniowej i gumy: Leopold's representatives simply requisitioned labor, rubber, and ivory from the natives, without payment. Those who refused had their villages burned down, their children murdered, and their hands cut off .
  • Z pieniędzy z Kongo sfinansowano piękne pałace w Brukseli: 'Few people today remember how many amputated hands these monuments cost. Profits were used, among other things, to build some of the hideous monuments still disfiguring Brussels: the Arcades du Cinquantenaire, the Palais de Laeken, the Chateau d'Ardennes.'


  • Nazwa Europa pochodzi od ciemności.: 'The word 'Europe' comes from a Semitic word that simply means "darkness."'
  • Etymologia słowa eksterminacja: 'The Latin extermino means "drive over the border:' terminus, "exile, banish, exclude?' Hence the English exterminate, which means 'drive over the border to death, banish from life'


  • teza Hannah Arendt: 'Her thesis that Nazism and Communism were of the same stock has been well remembered'
  • Styl sudański stworzony 100 lat temu we Francji to trochę takie jak styl podhalański: 'The style is called Sudanese, black, after "Bled es sudan," the country of the blacks. In actual fact, it is an imaginary style, created by the French for the 1900 Great Exhibition in Paris, then planted out here in the Sahara. The modern town is gray international-style concrete.'
  • Fascynacja komputerem, biblioteka na cd-rom: 'If! could only get the computer to work! The question is whether it has survived the jolting and the dust. The disks are no larger than postcards. I have a hundred of them, in airtight packs, a whole library that together weighs no more than a single book.'


  1. Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)
  2. Sven Lindqvist, Exterminate All the Brutes. One Man's Odyssey into the Heart of Darkness and the Origins of European Genocide-The New Press (1997)
  3. Three Years in the Congo (1887). In it, three Swedish officers related their experiences in the service of King Leopold.
  4. Edward Wilhelm Sjoblom, In the Shade of the Palms (1907), written by a missionary, arrived in the Congo on July 31, 1892. On August 20, he saw his first corpse.


  1. p. 13